Fitness, sports, dancing of Kharkiv

You are here: of Kharkiv establishmentsFitness, sports, dancing
Full list of sports complexes in Kharkiv. Sports and health centers in Kharkov. Water parks in Kharkov. Gyms in Kharkov. Shaping centers in Kharkov. Fitness rooms in Kharkov. Sports clubs in Kharkov. And also - dance schools in Kharkov.

What are those stars?!

"Premium" accommodation
According to the institution, except for the basic data (address, telephone, opening hours) and personal data (for example: services, cuisine, parking, payment options, entertainment, average bills, capacity etc.), more to be expected: a lot of photos, a poster of events, various menu folders, news, articles, etc.
These establishments in any list are displayed first, as containing the most amount of useful information.
«Standard» accommodation
In addition to the basic data (address, phone number, opening hours), there is personal data, a short description and some photos.
These establishments in any list are displayed after Premium package establishments.
"Minimum" placement  
Just a brief description of the establishment: name, type, address, phone, opening hours.
These establishments in any list are displayed last, as containing the least amount of information.
Fitness, sports, dancing
Акварена , олимпийский учебно-спортивный центр
Cafe, Complex, Beauty salon, health, cosmetology, Fitness, sports, dancing
Address: Харьков, ул. Клочковская, 43/47
Phone: (057) 715-71-45, (057) 715-71-30
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Views : current month 84 , total 1025
reviews: 13
Sauna, Bathhouse, Fitness, sports, dancing
Address: Харьков, ул. Отакара Яроша, 35
Phone: (057) 780-70-48
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Views : current month 66 , total 771
reviews: 11
Fitness, sports, dancing
Address: Харьков, пр. Юбилейный, 54Д (бывший пр. 50-лет ВЛКСМ, 54Д) (парк Победы, за кинотеатром Россия)
Phone: (057) 758-43-57
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Views : current month 194 , total 2085
reviews: 37
Актуаль , центр красоты
Beauty salon, health, cosmetology, Fitness, sports, dancing
Address: Харьков, ул. Гиршмана, 18 (м. Архитектора Бекетова)
Phone: (057) 706-28-15, 066-253-81-99
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Views : current month 27 , total 552
reviews: 1
Fitness, sports, dancing
Address: Харьков, ул. Пушкинская, 5
Phone: 066-415-55-75, 063-188-89-00
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Views : current month 13 , total 289
reviews: 0
Fitness, sports, dancing
Address: Харьков, пр. Архитектора Алешина, 16А (бывшый пр. Ордженикидзе, 16А)
Phone: 066-790-48-72, 063-867-75-79
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Views : current month 24 , total 451
reviews: 1
Амадеус на Московском
Fitness, sports, dancing
Address: Харьков, просп. Московский, 124/7
Phone: 066-790-48-72
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Views : current month 36 , total 427
reviews: 0
Fitness, sports, dancing
Address: Харьков, ул. Клочковская, 43/47 (напротив книжного рынка)
Phone: 067-572-80-70, 066-915-59-81
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Views : current month 10 , total 280
reviews: 1
Fitness, sports, dancing
Address: Харьков, ул.Тобольская, 37А
Phone: 050-18-94-704
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Views : current month 16 , total 291
reviews: 0
Fitness, sports, dancing
Address: Харьков, ул. Дудинской, 1А, 2-й подъезд, 2-й этаж (бывшая Нариманова, 1А) (ст. м. Хол. гора, выход к магазину «Киевский», вход рядом с детской площадкой)
Phone: (057) 756-74-36, 068-953-85-37
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Views : current month 25 , total 464
reviews: 6
Афродита , фитнес клуб
Beauty salon, health, cosmetology, Fitness, sports, dancing, Vacation with children
Address: Харьков, ул. Волонтерская, 66 (бывшая ул.Социалистическая, 66) (м.Холодная Гора, правое крыло супермаркета «Альфа-маркет»)
Phone: 093-95-27-068, 099-424-99-38, 068-44-203-91, 063-244-92-87
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Views : current month 51 , total 571
reviews: 9
Fitness, sports, dancing
Address: Харьков, ул. Гоголя, 7, оф. 201, 208
Phone: (057) 751-07-04, (057) 781-29-81
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Views : current month 20 , total 319
reviews: 3

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