Recreation outside the city of Kharkiv
For those who want to spend time away from the city. Complexes, restaurants, hotels, health resorts.
What are those stars?!
– "Premium" accommodation
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According to the institution, except for the basic data (address, telephone, opening hours) and personal data
(for example: services, cuisine, parking, payment options, entertainment, average bills, capacity
etc.), more to be expected: a lot of photos, a poster of events, various menu folders,
news, articles, etc.
These establishments in any list are displayed first, as containing the most amount of useful information.
These establishments in any list are displayed first, as containing the most amount of useful information.
– «Standard» accommodation
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In addition to the basic data (address, phone number, opening hours), there is personal data,
a short description and some photos.
These establishments in any list are displayed after Premium package establishments.
These establishments in any list are displayed after Premium package establishments.
– "Minimum" placement
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Just a brief description of the establishment: name, type, address, phone, opening hours.
These establishments in any list are displayed last, as containing the least amount of information.
These establishments in any list are displayed last, as containing the least amount of information.
, отельно-ресторанный комплекс
Restaurant, Complex, Hotels, Sauna, Bathhouse, Vacation with children, Recreation outside the city
Харьковская обл., пгт Малая Даниловка, ул. Лозовенька, 1
(окружная дорога)
Phone: отель (057) 764-11-83, (057) 757-60-53; ресторан (057) 757-60-53, 050-8-444-777; баня 050-783-83-03
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Phone: отель (057) 764-11-83, (057) 757-60-53; ресторан (057) 757-60-53, 050-8-444-777; баня 050-783-83-03
Views : current month 41
, total 5932
reviews: 34
, банно-оздоровительный клуб
Cafe, Complex, Sauna, Bathhouse, Vacation with children, Recreation outside the city, Active rest
Харьков, ул. Гончаренко 59
(Новые Дома, пос. Павленки)
Phone: 067-577-74-37, 099-334-93-35
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Phone: 067-577-74-37, 099-334-93-35
Views : current month 14
, total 2513
reviews: 4
, гостинично-развлекательный комплекс
Cafe, Complex, Hotels, Sauna, Bathhouse, Recreation outside the city
Харьковская обл., пос. Южный, ул. Молодёжная, 10/2
(пос. Першотравневое в 1км от г. Пивденное, 2км от пгт Высокий, 3км от г. Мерефа. Авто дорога М-18 (E 105))
Phone: (057) 748-72-20, 099-930-52-90, 066-337-35-19
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Phone: (057) 748-72-20, 099-930-52-90, 066-337-35-19
Views : current month 72
, total 7386
reviews: 154
Complex, Sauna, Bathhouse, Recreation outside the city, Active rest
Харьковская обл., Валковский р-н, с. Бараново
(у пруда Бараново)
Phone: +38(098)757-47-45, +38(099)367-44-56,+38(066)957-63-26 (только Viber)
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Phone: +38(098)757-47-45, +38(099)367-44-56,+38(066)957-63-26 (только Viber)
Views : current month 46
, total 8512
reviews: 14
Панське село
, ресторанно-развлекательный комплекс
Restaurant, Complex, Shopping and entertainment center, Sauna, Bathhouse, Recreation outside the city
Харьков, Белгородское шоссе, 7
(от ст.м. Держпром, маршрутный автобус №296)
Phone: +38(068)427 00 70; доставка: +38(099)425 55 00, +38(098)425 55 00
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Phone: +38(068)427 00 70; доставка: +38(099)425 55 00, +38(098)425 55 00
Views : current month 53
, total 5570
reviews: 44
Сосновый бор
, гостинично-ресторанный комплекс
Restaurant, Complex, Hotels, Recreation outside the city
Харьковская обл., Змиевский р-н, с. Задонецкое, ул. Курортная, 164
(Коробовы Хутора)
Phone: 099-09-14-823, 097-058-84-55
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Phone: 099-09-14-823, 097-058-84-55
Views : current month 34
, total 4330
reviews: 25
, спортивно-оздоровительный комплекс
Restaurant, Pub, Beer, Complex, Striptease, Hotels, Beauty salon, health, cosmetology, Sauna, Bathhouse, Organization of celebrations, Recreation outside the city
Харьков, пер. Буковый, 27 (бывшая ул. Совхозная, 3)
(Алексеевский лугопарк)
Phone: 067-574-94-44, 063-278-11-32, 097-134-31-45
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Phone: 067-574-94-44, 063-278-11-32, 097-134-31-45
Views : current month 70
, total 19766
reviews: 84
Park Rost Club
, туристический комплекс развлечений и отдыха
Restaurant, Billiard club, Complex, Sushi bar, Hotels, Sauna, Bathhouse, Vacation with children, Recreation outside the city, Active rest
Харьковская обл., Змиевской р-н, п. Гайдары, ул. Пионерская
Phone: (057) 730-66-55, 067-136-07-07
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Phone: (057) 730-66-55, 067-136-07-07
Views : current month 141
, total 11997
reviews: 192
Soich Park
, база отдыха
Restaurant, Cafe, Billiard club, Complex, Recreation outside the city
Харьковская область, Волчанский район, с. Хотомля, ул. Новодоновская, 1
Phone: 067 580 19 66, 095 405 96 90
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Phone: 067 580 19 66, 095 405 96 90
Views : current month 29
, total 3274
reviews: 7
Домик Лесника
, гостинично-ресторанный комплекс
Restaurant, Complex, Hotels, Recreation outside the city
Харьковская обл, Дергачевский район, с. Черкасская Лозовая, ул. Белгородское шоссе, 3А
Phone: (057) 729-83-23, (057) 729-83-24, 050-301-38-97
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Phone: (057) 729-83-23, (057) 729-83-24, 050-301-38-97
Views : current month 14
, total 2863
reviews: 34
, загородный комплекс
Restaurant, Cafe, Complex, Hotels, Sauna, Bathhouse, Recreation outside the city
Харьковская обл., с. Подворки, ул. Сумской шлях, 4 (бывшая ул. Свердлова, 4)
(5 км от ст.м. Холодная гора)
Phone: (057) 783-74-38, 050-302-10-10
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Phone: (057) 783-74-38, 050-302-10-10
Views : current month 68
, total 5535
reviews: 63
, ресторан домашней кухни
Restaurant, Hotels, Sauna, Bathhouse, Recreation outside the city
Харьковская обл., пос. Нестеренки
(20 км от Харькова, 454-ый км трассы «Киев-Харьков»)
Phone: 067-640-13-14
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Phone: 067-640-13-14
Views : current month 14
, total 2089
reviews: 2
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