Pubs, Beer of Kharkiv
Do you like beer? Especially for you - a complete list of beer establishments in Kharkov: beer restaurants in Kharkov, Kharkov pubs.
What are those stars?!
– "Premium" accommodation
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According to the institution, except for the basic data (address, telephone, opening hours) and personal data
(for example: services, cuisine, parking, payment options, entertainment, average bills, capacity
etc.), more to be expected: a lot of photos, a poster of events, various menu folders,
news, articles, etc.
These establishments in any list are displayed first, as containing the most amount of useful information.
These establishments in any list are displayed first, as containing the most amount of useful information.
– «Standard» accommodation
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In addition to the basic data (address, phone number, opening hours), there is personal data,
a short description and some photos.
These establishments in any list are displayed after Premium package establishments.
These establishments in any list are displayed after Premium package establishments.
– "Minimum" placement
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Just a brief description of the establishment: name, type, address, phone, opening hours.
These establishments in any list are displayed last, as containing the least amount of information.
These establishments in any list are displayed last, as containing the least amount of information.
, ресторан-пивоварня
Restaurant, Pub, Beer, Karaoke bar
Харьков, ул. Героев Труда, 14В
Phone: 097-727-27-27, 066-327-27-27 (сall: 1)
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Phone: 097-727-27-27, 066-327-27-27 (сall: 1)
Views : current month 213
, total 4774
reviews: 182
, шоу-ресторан
Restaurant, Pub, Beer, Karaoke bar
Харьков, ул. Культуры, 8
(в здании Сумского рынка)
Phone: +38(066)327 27 27, +38(097)727 27 26
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Phone: +38(066)327 27 27, +38(097)727 27 26
Views : current month 123
, total 3409
reviews: 25
, паб
Cafe, Pub, Beer
Харьков, пр. Науки, 12
(вход со стороны ул. Культуры)
Phone: +38(066)268 82 43, +38(098)306 29 50
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Phone: +38(066)268 82 43, +38(098)306 29 50
Views : current month 106
, total 2464
reviews: 11
Mad Cats
, закрытый мужской бар
Club, Pub, Beer
Харьков, Чернышевская 63Д
Phone: +38(050)050 93 53
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Phone: +38(050)050 93 53
Views : current month 66
, total 1711
reviews: 6
Park Місто
, пивной ресторан
Restaurant, Cafe, Pub, Beer, Complex
Харьков, ул. Клочковская, 190А
Phone: (057) 758-17-03, 095-238-28-03
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Phone: (057) 758-17-03, 095-238-28-03
Views : current month 111
, total 2388
reviews: 3
Славутич Шато
, ресторан-пивоварня
Restaurant, Pub, Beer, Karaoke bar
Харьков, пл. Свободы, 7
Phone: 066-262-91-22
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Phone: 066-262-91-22
Views : current month 167
, total 3824
reviews: 51
, спортивно-оздоровительный комплекс
Restaurant, Pub, Beer, Complex, Striptease, Hotels, Beauty salon, health, cosmetology, Sauna, Bathhouse, Organization of celebrations, Recreation outside the city
Харьков, пер. Буковый, 27 (бывшая ул. Совхозная, 3)
(Алексеевский лугопарк)
Phone: 067-574-94-44, 063-278-11-32, 097-134-31-45
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Phone: 067-574-94-44, 063-278-11-32, 097-134-31-45
Views : current month 356
, total 17500
reviews: 84
, бар-кальянная
Restaurant, Club, Cafe, Pub, Beer
Харьков, ул. Квитки-Основьяненко, 12
Phone: 097-096-63-37
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Phone: 097-096-63-37
Views : current month 153
, total 4387
reviews: 46
, клуб
Cafe, Pub, Beer, Billiard club, Karaoke bar
Харьков, ул. Бучмы, 1А (бывшая ул. Командарма Уборевича, 1А)
(перекресток с ул. Гв.Широнинцев)
Phone: (057) 264-74-54
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Phone: (057) 264-74-54
Views : current month 165
, total 3364
reviews: 63
Sutra Bar Kamalaya
Club, Pub, Beer
Харьков, ул. Алчевских, 31 (бывшая ул. Артема, 31)
Phone: 050-864-53-84
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Phone: 050-864-53-84
Views : current month 65
, total 1679
reviews: 2
Teтчеr Gastropub
, британский паб
Restaurant, Cafe, Pub, Beer
Харьков, ул. 23-го Августа, 26
(ст.м.23 Августа)
Phone: (057)340-21-39, 050-941-64-62
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Phone: (057)340-21-39, 050-941-64-62
Views : current month 237
, total 4241
reviews: 65
Внутри моря
Cafe, Pub, Beer
Харьков, ул. Ньютона, 130
(район Новых домов)
Phone: +38(063)932 89 50, +38(097)323 78 50
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Phone: +38(063)932 89 50, +38(097)323 78 50
Views : current month 93
, total 2211
reviews: 0
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