Pizzerias of Kharkiv
To your attention - a complete list of Kharkov pizzerias. Pizzerias in Kharkiv.
What are those stars?!
– "Premium" accommodation
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According to the institution, except for the basic data (address, telephone, opening hours) and personal data
(for example: services, cuisine, parking, payment options, entertainment, average bills, capacity
etc.), more to be expected: a lot of photos, a poster of events, various menu folders,
news, articles, etc.
These establishments in any list are displayed first, as containing the most amount of useful information.
These establishments in any list are displayed first, as containing the most amount of useful information.
– «Standard» accommodation
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In addition to the basic data (address, phone number, opening hours), there is personal data,
a short description and some photos.
These establishments in any list are displayed after Premium package establishments.
These establishments in any list are displayed after Premium package establishments.
– "Minimum" placement
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Just a brief description of the establishment: name, type, address, phone, opening hours.
These establishments in any list are displayed last, as containing the least amount of information.
These establishments in any list are displayed last, as containing the least amount of information.
Bella Mozzarella
, доставка пиццы
Cafe, Pizzeria, Shopping and entertainment center
Харків, проспект Петра Григоренка, 18/1
Phone: +38 (093) 43 21 000 +38 (098) 43 21 000 +38 (099) 43 21 000
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Phone: +38 (093) 43 21 000 +38 (098) 43 21 000 +38 (099) 43 21 000
Views : current month 141
, total 2114
reviews: 3
, гастро-локація
Restaurant, Cafe, Pub, Beer, Coffee shop, Fast food, Pizzeria, Sushi bar
м. Харків, вул. Скрипника, 7
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Views : current month 124
, total 2162
reviews: 1
Al Dente
, траттория
Restaurant, Cafe, Pizzeria
Харьков, ул. Академика Проскуры, 3В
Phone: 067-610-16-16
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Phone: 067-610-16-16
Views : current month 87
, total 1566
reviews: 0
, пиццерия
Cafe, Pizzeria
Харьков, ул. Полтавский Шлях, 123
(м. Холодная Гора)
Phone: 050-591-01-05, 067-422-04-60, 063-717-01-57
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Phone: 050-591-01-05, 067-422-04-60, 063-717-01-57
Views : current month 74
, total 1216
reviews: 3
, ресторан-пиццерия
Restaurant, Cafe, Pizzeria
Харкiв, вул. 23 серпня, 33А
Phone: +38 068 201 22 88
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Phone: +38 068 201 22 88
Views : current month 143
, total 2087
reviews: 13
Anjis Hall
, Шоу ресторан, friends & family rest
Restaurant, Cafe, Pizzeria, Sushi bar, Bar
Харьков, пр. Победы, 52
(остановка «Молодежная»)
Phone: +38(066)048 80 01, +38(098)048 80 01
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Phone: +38(066)048 80 01, +38(098)048 80 01
Views : current month 378
, total 6280
reviews: 39
, кафе
Restaurant, Cafe, Pizzeria, Bar
Харьков, Гв. Широнинцев, 73Ж
Phone: (057) 756-10-14, 068-526-17-17, 063-526-17-17
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Phone: (057) 756-10-14, 068-526-17-17, 063-526-17-17
Views : current month 293
, total 4194
reviews: 273
Салтівський двір
, кафе
Restaurant, Cafe, Pizzeria
Харьков, ул. Героев труда, 31
Phone: +38 050 136 31 31, +38 097 136 31 31
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Phone: +38 050 136 31 31, +38 097 136 31 31
Views : current month 330
, total 5970
reviews: 55
24.02 Pizza
Харків, вулиця Маршала Бажанова 14
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Views : current month 53
, total 932
reviews: 0
, ресторан итальянской кухни
Restaurant, Cafe, Pizzeria
Харьков, Стадионный проезд, 13
(бульвар Жасминовый)
Phone: (057) 779-85-55, 066-840-18-00
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Phone: (057) 779-85-55, 066-840-18-00
Views : current month 156
, total 2880
reviews: 21
Billiard club, Pizzeria, Hotels, Sauna, Bathhouse
Харьков, пер. Мира, 6
(ХТЗ, напротив Дворца Бракосочетания)
Phone: +38(050)404 02 03
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Phone: +38(050)404 02 03
Views : current month 227
, total 3702
reviews: 19
, диско-клуб
Club, Billiard club, Pizzeria, Sushi bar, Bar
Харьков, пр. Петра Григоренко, 39 (бывший пр. Маршала Жукова, 39)
Phone: +380(50)300 01 21
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Phone: +380(50)300 01 21
Views : current month 1755
, total 12660
reviews: 702
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